Spiritual healing is when energy is transmitted to the person who needs it. The treatment works on the body, mind and spirit, which are seen as one unit that must harmonize for good health. If a separate healer is involved, the healer will place the hand on the person being treated to channel the energy from the Higher Source. The spiritual healing can help mental and emotional problems and physical conditions such as a frozen shoulder.
The Origin of Spiritual Healing
The channeling of healing energy from its spiritual source to someone who needs it is called spiritual healing. The channel is usually a person, whom we call a healer, and the healing energy is usually transferred to the patient through the healer's hands. The healing does not come from the healer, but through him. On the other hand, you don't need a healer to take advantage of spiritual healing. You can pray. A full treatment of prayer and healing is found elsewhere.
The word "spiritual" refers to the divine nature of the energy, which healers agree comes from one external, invisible intelligent source. The healing energy from this source is available to all.
Healers see the body mind and spirit as one interdependent unit and believe all three must work in harmony to maintain positive health. Any problem - be it a broken leg or depression needs the power of healing to restore the balance of the whole person. It is felt that sickness often starts in the mind, or at the deeper level of the spirit, and it is often here that healing begins.
The Significence of Spirituality in New Age
New Age is a loose term that includes everything from self improvement programs to awareness of mind-body connections. The movement is growing by leaps and bounds. Time magazine reported that in 1996, about 44 million Americans identified with the healing movement. It is estimated that Americans alone spend about $1.5 billion annually on books about spirituality and religion. About 42 percent of Americans have sought out alternative health care. So, there is no doubt that the movement is catching on.
Spirituality vs Religion
Spirituality can be seen as being distinct from religion. Different world religions have proposed various doctrines and belief systems about the nature of a God and humanity's relationship with it. Spirituality, on the other hand, refers to the common experience behind these various points of view. It is an experience involving an awareness of and relationship with something that transcends your personal self as well as the human order of things. This "something" has been given various names ("God" being the most popular in Western Society) and defined in ways that are too numerous to count. We call it simply as the God. You can choose to define what that means for yourself in whatever way feels most appropriate. Your own sense of a God can be as abstract as "cosmic consciousness" or as down-to-earth as the beauty of the ocean or mountains. Even if you regard yourself an agnostic or atheist, you may get a sense of inspiration from taking a walk in the forest or contemplating a beautiful sunset. Or a small child's smile may give you a special sense of joy.
There is much spiritual healing meditation and benefit to be obtained by cultivating your spiritual life. A personal spiritual commitment is the most important ingredient. Spiritual awareness and growth can effect a transformation in your whole being. It can help you to develop a basic trust and faith that is unshakable. Scientists call this intrinsic belief.
Many have experienced major turnarounds in their condition as a result of cultivating their spirituality. They feel that developing a relationship with their God provided the moral support, courage, hope, and faith for them to follow through with their personal recovery program. It provided them with a sense that they are not alone in the universe, and that there is a source of guidance and support that is available at times of confusion and discouragement. You can also try out spiritual healing prayers and spiritual healing music that will give you so much relief for sure.
Spiritual Healing Methods and Spiritual Healing Techniques
Spiritual healing methods are not something you'll be taught about at your local healthcare clinic but their value goes way beyond anything you can get from a bottle or a pill.When healing occurs through the ideas I'm going to share with you on this page, there's a spiritual reconnection that takes place with your Higher Self. Possible side-effects include joy, peace and enlightenment.
All joking aside though, I'm not a doctor and I don't know your health conditions. I believe in the value of spiritual healing methods but you must take full responsibility for your own health and well-being. If you have concerns, consult a holistic health practitioner. This is not the only path to healing and I recommend combining both spiritual and physical techniques for best results.
Spiritual Healing Center
There are numerous spiritual healing schools in India. Some of them are as follows:- Asaram Bapu Ashram
Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute
Baba Ramdev Ashram
Brahma Kumaris
Chinmaya Mission
Isha Foundation
Benefits of Spirituality Healing
Edmund Bourne, author of 'The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook,' has described a number of benefits to spirituality as it applies to healing emotional problems. Dr. Burke has personal experience of his patients benefiting from a deep spirituality. He has listed a number of benefits that are gained through spirituality. These are: