they may be. It is being and becoming, not hearing, or
acknowledging, it is the whole soul becoming
what it believes. That is religion."
~ Swami Vivekananda

Yoga and Religion
Yoga Trip to India : An ideal religion should be able to satisfy all types of minds, and all types of questions. Singing, weeping and preaching of love is not all. Modern man wants something stronger than that. He wants a little more reason and wants to understand things step by step and more rationally. Hinduism strives to be such a religion - "a religion that will be equally acceptable to all minds, equally philosophic, equally emotional, equally mystic and equally conducive to action".
Like people of most other religions, Hindus have associated the ideas of holiness, purity, truth, omnipresence, and such other ideals with various icons and forms. But the fundamental difference is that for Hindus, religion does not mean an intellectual ascent to certain doctrines. It is centrally focused on realization. As said Vivekananda, "Man is to become divine by realizing the divine."
Swami Vivekananda has succinctly explained this as follows: "To the worker, it is union between men and the whole of humanity; to the mystic, between his lower and Higher Self; to the lover, union between himself and the God of love; and to the philosopher, it is union of all existence. This is what is meant by Yoga."
Theologically speaking, there are four divisions of Yoga. In Sanskrit, they are called Raja-Yoga, Karma-Yoga, Bhakti-Yoga and Jnana Yoga. And the person who seeks this kind of a union is called a Yogi. The worker is called the Karma-Yogi. One who seeks this union through mysticism is called a Raja-Yogi. One who searches this union in love is a Bhakti-Yogi. And one who seeks this Yoga through philosophy is called the Jnana-Yogi.
Yoga is not a fact you might say that it is an 'umbrella'. Under it and in it and all around it contains all the worlds' religions, belief systems and philosophies. Yoga is not a is a universal concept that brings things scattered together. There are numerous benefits of Yoga. That may be people, ideas or simply the exercises that helps one to bring him/herself together.
Yoga and Meditation go hand in hand and Pranayama is an integral part of both. The Asanas' we practice (postures) stimulate nerve energy. Of course we all know that nerve energy passes along the spine and sends impulses to our brain and through-out the body. Stimulating and increasing nerve energy through-out the body gives us more energy, clarity and awareness (hightened consciousness).
Pranayama is working with or using breathing techniques to integrate movement with breath. Prana means 'life force'. By practicing various Pranayama we then stimulate our energy centers (chakras) and open up latent mysteries, powers, energies that may be asleep in many of us. This awakening in combination with inner reflection through meditation is the beginning of the awakening of the potential of human beings...
Origin of Yoga
Yoga originates from the East. The earliest writings about Yoga appear in the Bhagavad- Gita about 10,000 years ago. From India the Yogic techniques were taught to the monks in the Himalayas and they in turn (with some changes) taught it to the villagers who needed to learn how to protect themselves.....these teachings evolved and became what we know today as Martial Arts.
A Healthy Excercise
Yoga is a good way to exercise. It combines various styles that can calm and relax your being as well stimulate your nerves, work you muscles and condition your organs. It is an over all tonic that helps the entire organism. It can be practiced at home every day for just a few minutes or in a studio environment where you are guided through the postures step by step.

Yoga literally means " union", " connections", or "oneness". Today, we typically understand "yoga" to mean a series of gentle stretching exercises; but in fact, it can refer to any of a number of physical and mental disciplines, all of which are designed to reunite us with our sacred energy source: the divine.
In the second century C.E., the Indian yogi Patanjali - who is sometimes referred to as the Father of Yoga - codified the millennia-old yoga tradition in his Yoga Sutra. Patanjali outlined eight specific principles, each of which is an entire practice path intended to reunite the seeker with the divine.
Ashtanga yoga India
Ashtanga yoga is a system of yoga transmitted to the modern world by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (1915-2009). This method of yoga involves synchronizing the breath with a progressive series of postures—a process producing intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.
Yoga Positions (Yoga Poses)
Veerasana (Warrior pose)
Ugrasana (Ferocious pose)
Trikonasana (Triangle pose)
Sankatasana (Difficult pose)
Vrikshasana (Tree pose)
Garudasana (Eagle pose)
Shirshasana (Headstand pose)
Mridang Bandha (Drum pose)
Parivarta Trikonasana
Virabhadrasana (Gracious Warrior pose)
(Twisted triangle pose)
Patangasana (Kite pose)
Ekapad Hastasana (Hand to Leg pose)
Yoga Weight Loss (Yoga Training)
Certain yogasanas are specifically aimed to stimulate the lethargic thyroid gland in order to increase the hormonal secretion. Thus, yoga acts upon metabolism of our body --increases metabolic activity and helps in reducing weight.
• Breathing exercise: Deep breathing increases oxygen supply to the cells of our body and helps in burning the fat cells. "Do kapalbharti, pranayama, anulom-vilom Yoga," says Yogologist, Dr. Deepak Jha says.
"Each time you do it, you burn extra calories and you can rid yourself from the layers of fat on your body. These also help in toning the muscles and increasing their endurance level." adds Dr Jha.
• Kriya: For cleaning the body and weight reduction Shankha Prakshalna and Vaman Dhauti are the best Yogasanas.
Power Yoga
Power Yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga which emphasizes developing one's physical flexibility and nurtures the desire for self-discipline.The name Power Yoga says it all. It is one of the several types of Yoga that has the same potential of emulating a rigorous full-body workout and promotes mental stability and concentration. Be forewarned though that Power Yoga practice may hurt at first. Yoga Retreats in India (Yoga Schools India)
Healthandyoga endeavours to provide you the best Yoga Travel and Study options from locations best know for such holidays. Whether you seek yoga holidays by the Ashrams of Rishikesh, the beaches of Goa or then, the natural beauty of Kerala, you need to look no further.Yoga holidays in India are especially desirable as many of them are built around authentic yoga instruction, as opposed to the shallow teachings found elsewhere in the world.See the range of yoga travel offerings available below. Simply click on the holiday of your choice to get further details about it. You can even ‘save’ the holidays of your choice and then make enquiries to all your saved holidays from a single form. The Eight Steps