Auroville International
Bharat Nivas
Villupuram District Auroville - 605101
Tamil Nadu
auroville ashram - Location
Auroville is well connected city by rail and road to other cities. Auroville is about 10 kms north of Pondicherry, in South India. The nearest metropolitan city is Chennai. Buses to Pondicherry leave from Parry's Bus Station and from there one can take an auto rickshaw to reach Auroville.
About Auroville Matrimandir
Auroville earth institute is a unique international community aiming towards the transformation of life into the Supra mental consciousness. Based on the teaching of Sri Aurbindo and mother, Aurovilian Mita Radhakrishnan offers an insider's view of the inner path. Auroville Tamilnadu is not an ashram, it is a spiritual experiment based, not on any abandonment of the world, but on an active engagement with life and matter. One more thing to add here is that even the Auroville architecture is also a worth mentioning here.
Auroville Foundation
Situated in the middle of villages of Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu, Auroville is a growing and dynamic community that presently involves about 1500 persons from over 30 countries. The spiritual basis of Auroville, its Maison d'tre, lies in the teachings of Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
Auroville Accommodation
Although, there is no problem at Auroville staying accommodation, but it is recommendable to book your room before hand during the season time. Prices range according to the facilities, Rs. 75 to well equipped at Rs. 750. The lower end guest houses are simple houses with a separate, sometimes shared bathroom, while upper end guest houses are pucca, with attached bathrooms etc. Mostly, there are prices in-between; about Rs. 275 a night will get you a decent, clean pucca room, with breakfast and laundry. For those who have a limited budgets, the Auroville beach resort offer some dormitory style youth accommodation.
Activities at Auroville
There are certain activities held within the ashrams that involves:

- Afforestation: Aurovilleans are involved in protection of indigenous species and raising plant and tree nurseries. And plantation of 3 million trees. Creating lots of media turbulence through Auroville news.
- Watershed Management and rain water harvesting for the whole region.
- Organic Farming.
- Research into Alternative Medicine, including Ayurvedic massage, Reiki, pranic healing, polarity therapy, kinesiology, acupuncture, homeopathy, flower remedies, foot reflexology etc.
- Research into a new system of education that meets the needs of the soul, for both adults and children;
- Language Education in the 4 Auroville languages that includes Tamil, French, Simplified Sanskrit and English
- Research into alternative energy such as wind, solar, bio-gas and experiments in waste water management;
- Research into appropriate building technologies such as ferro-cement and mud-earth construction;
- Experiments in alternative transport such as electric mopeds and cycles, gas-powered cars;
- Research into food production and processing;
The multi-faceted dimensions of Auroville cult are not immediately revealed to the outsider or the strangers. In order to become familiar to the place, one has to stay within Auroville for a period of time before discovering its secrets. A minimum of a three-month period will allow you to go beneath the surface, to unveil and experience what is hidden to the eye and the mind with its judgments and workings. However, there is no fixed time restriction for visiting Auroville. Coming to Auroville as a guest, and coming with the intention of joining Auroville, are two different things entirely. Before taking the steps for the latter, it is highly advisable to come to Auroville first as a guest. While staying here you can also click Auroville photos.