Vipassana International Academy
Dhamma Giri; P.O. Box 6; Igatpuri 422 403; District Nasik; Maharashtra;
Ph: [91](02553) 244076, 244086; Fax:[91](02553) 244176.
Named 'Vipassana International Academy' (VIA), the centre is today the
principal world centre of Vipassana Meditationa and is located in Igatpuri,
a town of central railway, 3 hrs from Maharastara.
About Vipasana Meditation
Vipassana is a technique that enables us to experience peace and harmony as
it purifies the mind, freeing it from the suffering and the deep-seated
causes of stress and strain. The practice enables the meditator to climb the
ladder to attain the highest spiritual goal of full liberation from all
mental defilements.
About the Founder
This international organization was founded by the Sayagyi U Ba Khin, the
distinguished Vipassana teacher, who had a deep desire to have a world
renowned Vipassana Center in India. Shortly before he passed away he
expressed this wish to an Indian meditator, who was the first student of
S.N. Goenka to come to Sayagi U Ba Khin meditation center in Rangoon. The
student returned to India full of Dhamma enthusiasm to realize Sayagyi's
wish. Other meditators soon joined him in the effort to establish a centre,
understanding the great benefits which would result.
About the Center
The centre offer accommodation for more than 600 students, in addition to
living quarters for the Dhamma workers or the volunteers, kitchen staff and
a separate accommodation quarters for monks who come for the seeking the
course. Continuous gardening, landscaping and tree planting have transformed
the barren land into an exotic abode. Thousands of trees and shrubs have
been planted that provides it a serene environment.
The centre offer a regular 10 day course that is held throughout the year,
other special programmes for regular students are being held frequently. Out
of them Dhamma Tapovana is a long course centre adjacent to Dhammagiri hosts
a longer courses that is held for 20, 30, 45 and 60 days, allowing more
experienced meditators to practice at deeper levels.